Maughan (PW) article, Dec. 10, 2021

Maughan, S. (2021, Dec. 10). Where Have All the School Librarians Gone? Publishers Weekly.

Gavigan (The Conversation) article, Nov. 5, 2021

Gavigan, K. W. (2021, Nov. 5) Librarians help students navigate an age of misinformation – but schools are cutting their numbers. The Conversation.

Also posted by WHYY PBS, Philadelphia, PA, and the Register Citizen, New Haven, CT.


The SLIDE study is a neutral investigation of the changing status of school librarian employment in the U.S. These articles and other publications are listed here because they either cite SLIDE findings or quote SLIDE staff. Some of the publications are from an advocate’s point of view. Their inclusion on this website does not constitute an endorsement of their positions, conclusions, and recommendations by the SLIDE staff or other researchers involved in the study.

Hinton (SLJ) article, Nov. 1, 2021

Hinton, M. (2021, Nov. 1) School Libraries 2021: Advocacy is a Necessary Part of the Job for School Librarians. School Library Journal.

School Libraries 2021 (SLJ special report)

SLJ Staff (2021, Nov. 1). School libraries 2021: impact, obstacles, and the fight for the future.

Chrastka (PW) article, Oct. 8, 2021

Chrastka, J. (2021, Oct. 8) School Librarians Must Treat the Fight for Their Future Like the Political Campaign It Is. Publishers Weekly.

Common Thread (Antioch) article, Sept. 29, 2021

Allen, M. (2021, Sept. 29). The SLIDE Project: School Librarian Investigation–Decline or Evolution? Common Thread: Antioch University News.

Ft. Worth Star-Telegram article, Sept. 19, 2021

Windes, I. (2021, Sept. 19) Kids are not reading at grade level. Why don’t all Fort Worth schools invest in books? Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

Kletter (SLJ) article, July 23, 2021

Kletter, M. (2021, July 23). Study finds fewer school librarians in districts that need them the most. School Library Journal.

NeverEnding Search Blog Post #2

Valenza, J. (2021, July 21). The SLIDE Study: A chat with Deb Kachel (Part 2) And exploring the interactive data tools, NeverEnding Search blog. School Library Journal.