Data Tools

District Data

Using National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) data from 2015-16 to the present, these SLIDE Online Data Tools provide district-level data about:

  • school librarian employment,
  • employment of selected other educator positions, and
  • selected district characteristics and student demographics.

Users will be able to download an Excel spreadsheet selected data. Features including the creation of customized charts and maps will be available soon. Please use the FEEDBACK button to provide us with suggestions or features that need improvement. (See About “Incorrect” Data, if you believe data are incorrect for your or another district.)

There are two ways to access district data: doing a Custom Search, in which you identify specific data you want, and requesting a District Comparison, which will provide basic statistics about school library staffing for your district and others like it.

Data for 2015-16 to 2021-22 were added to these tools during the course of the IMLS-funded project which ran from 2020 to 2023. Data for 2022-23 were added with support from the School of Information at San José State University and LMC Source. Updates from 2023-24 forward will be supported by SJSU’s iSchool.

Custom Search

Select and examine–by district or state–specific NCES data concerning employment of school librarians and others as well as district characteristics and student demographics.

NOTE: The data for 2015-16 to 2018-19 were corrected where possible for completeness and accuracy, relying chiefly on state data sources. (See Appendix A: Data Quality for details.) Data from 2019-20 forward have not been subjected to this review and revision. If your state’s data appears less than complete and accurate, please refer to your state department of education’s data office that submits data to NCES’s Common Core of Data (CCD) project. Ultimately, state departments of education and school districts are responsible for the completeness and accuracy of their data.

District Comparison

Examine library staffing data for a selected district compared with peer districts.

District Profile

Generate a ready-to-use profile for your district and similar districts that can be shared with decision-makers and others. Available in both HTML and PDF formats.

State Profile

Examine library staffing data for a single state over time and compare those trends to those for other educator positions.

State Survey

View data collected during a Fall 2020 survey of all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The survey gathered state-specific information to provide context to the findings of the SLIDE study’s other analyses.